Share Your Actuarial Memes Contest

It's easy, just make us laugh! Using the meme tools below (or any tool you like)  create one (1) ORIGINAL fun, actuarial, mathematical, or statistical funny meme or video. Submit them to by 11:59 p.m. CT on 3/27/2023.

On April Fool's Day (April 1, 2023), we will share your submissions using Instagram stories. The top three (3) with the most shares, loves and reactions WIN!

Please remember to use your best judgment when creating a meme, as anything deemed inappropriate or offensive will not be posted.

What do you win?
  • A bag full of SOA swag from our marketing closet!
  • Ultimate meme bragging rights!

Free Meme Creation Tools:

Note: Submit your memes as 1080 x 1080 pixels in size in a jpg or png format. If you wish to create something video-based, it must be sized as 1080 by 1080 pixels and your IG story video file size needs to be under 4GB and under 15 seconds. Your submissions must be your own original work. HAVE FUN!